SHRUTI, the National Association of the Hard of Hearing and Deafened (HOH/d) Nepal, is a non-profit disabled peoples’ organization established by people affected by hearing loss in 2012 to provide its members and HOH/d people a platform with a uniform voice. SHRUTI promotes rights and empowerment of HOH/d by reducing the persistent communication and cultural barriers they face. SHRUTI implements projects in partnership with the government, as well as a range of international organizations, such as Disability and Development Partners (UK), the Abilis Foundation (Finland), Royal Kentalis and Kentalis International Foundation (The Netherlands), My Right (Sweden), All Nippon Association of Hard of Hearing and Late-Deafened (ZENNANCHO, Japan), Workability International (Japan), International Disability Alliance/International Federation of Hard of Hearing (IDA/IFHOH), etc.
SHRUTI is registered at Kathmandu District Administration Office and Kathmandu Metropolitan City; and is affiliated with the Social Welfare Council and the National Youth Council. SHRUTI is an active member of Asia and Pacific Federation of Hard of Hearing and Deafened (APFHD), International Federation of Hard of Hearing (IFHOH), International Federation of Hard of Hearing Young People (IFHOHYP) and National Federation of Disabled Nepal (NFDN). SHRUTI is also a member of the World Hearing Forum, the WHO for the period 2021-2023.
With a vision to create inclusive society, where social justice and rights of hard of hearing and deafened people are guaranteed, SHRUTI has a mission to work for hard of hearing and deafened people to achieve their rights on communication, quality education, social and economic activities. The goal of SHRUTI is are: to contribute to the creation of an inclusive society, to promote accessibility of hard of hearing and deafened people; to strengthen and empower members’ capacity, to advocate for early identification, intervention, and recognition of hard of hearing and deafened people as person with disabilities, to promote inclusive education, and to establish rehabilitation and resource centre.
MoreRecent Activities
Direct Aid Program (DAP)
We conducted a workshop titled “Improvement of Education for Young Children with Hearing Loss in Mainstream Schools”, supported by the Direct Aid Program of the Australian Government. We were privileged to have the presence of Her Excellency Ms. Felicity Volk, the Australian Ambassador, at this event. During the interaction program, teachers, parents, and SHRUTI experts together discussed the child’s progress, changes, challenges, and Individual Education Plan (IEP) implementation. This program facilitated discussions about each child’s specific behaviors and foster a strong network among teachers, parents, and experts, which was previously lacking. The main aim of this interaction program was to improve the child’s overall development in a mainstream school environment, rather than in a special setting, through the joint efforts of SHRUTI experts, teachers, and parents.

Other Activities
JICA Partnership Program (JPP)
On July 21st 2024 SHRUTI officially handed over the Guidebook for access to healthcare services for Hearing Loss patients, Earmark stamp and the communication Board to the Executive Director of the Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH), Prof. Dinesh Kafle. The program was attended by Dr. Rabindra Pradhananga and the head nurse of TUTH. This initiative aims to enhance the services and accessibility for patients with hearing loss visiting TUTH ENT department.
This effort is part of the “Pilot Project of Accessible Communication Support for Hard of Hearing Patients in Kathmandu Hospital”, being implemented in the ENT-HNS Department of TUTH.

Other Activities